Accounts were registered 13-14 years ago from dedicated, secure private IPs from USA and western Europe. This makes them HIGHLY TRUSTED by Facebook.
All profiles are real-looking, with pictures according to gender and age. They have UNIQUE profile pictures, never used in other accounts, which make them VERY SOLID accounts, very trusted by Facebook, very resistant to being banned.
These accounts are perfect to promote your business, both for POST IN GROUPS about your product or service, or to build a BUSINESS ADS ACCOUNT to deliver paid ads after warmed-up enough.
They can be used from any country. You do not need any proxy to login. However if your IP is blacklisted or you manage more accounts in your IP, you must use a proxy. We advise you to use these private proxies.

- Number of Accounts: 1
- Price per Account: $15
- Account Age: 13-14 Years
- Verified by E-Mail
(Phone & Pics Pack optional) - UNIQUE Profile Picture, according to Gender and Age
- Real-looking Profiles and
Statistically Realistic Population - Date of Birth provided
- Very Solid Accounts!

- Number of Accounts: 5
- Price per Account: $14
- Accounts Age: 13-14 Years
- Verified by E-Mail
(Phones & Pics Packs optional) - UNIQUE Profile Picture, according to Gender and Age
- Real-looking Profiles and
Statistically Realistic Population - Date of Birth provided
- Very Solid Accounts!

- Number of Accounts: 25
- Price per Account: $13
- Accounts Age: 13-14 Years
- Verified by E-Mail
(Phones & Pics Packs optional) - UNIQUE Profile Picture, according to Gender and Age
- Real-looking Profiles and
Statistically Realistic Population - Date of Birth provided
- Very Solid Accounts!

- Number of Accounts: 125
- Price per Account: $12
- Accounts Age: 13-14 Years
- Verified by E-Mail
(Phones & Pics Packs optional) - UNIQUE Profile Picture, according to Gender and Age
- Real-looking Profiles and
Statistically Realistic Population - Date of Birth provided
- Very Solid Accounts!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
When will I receive my order?
We have almost unlimited accounts in stock, so we will deliver by email your order as soon as we receive and process your order. This is typically within 24-48 working hours. Notice that if you buy on weekends, Holidays or while local festivities, you may take some delay until the next working day. In any case, if you take more than 48h (do not count weekends) in receiving your accounts, please check your spam folder of your email manager and set our email order(-at-)fbaccs.com in your white list, and if you still do not find our email, please contact us.
Can I choose AGE or GENDER and other requirements?
Yes you can. When you make an order, you will find a text box for notes for the order, where you can note your requirements, but any requirement must be done BEFORE having accounts delivered. We’ll be able to fulfill without difficulties requirements about gender and age, and will try to fulfill any other requirements, though it’s not warranted. If you absolutely need special requirements, ask us before making the order, we won’t accept returns by this matter (age and gender will always be fulfilled, but the minimun age must be 28-29).
Do they have any Friends?
Some accounts may have some few real friends or friend requests to accept, but it is not guaranteed.
What activity had the accounts?
The only activity on the accounts was done the day of its creation 12 years ago. This activity includes uploading the profile picture (which is unique, never used in other accounts), changing some settings in the account, playing a facebook game (the game was removed from Facebook a few years ago, so this activity in the game cannot be watched in the log). The emails used to register these accounts were disposable email inboxes which mostly discontinued their services some years ago, and the access to the email won’t be provided. And then there is no further activity for years.
Where the accounts were created?
You can login from any country in the world.The accounts have been created manually with browsers through private dedicated residential IPs in USA, western Europe (very clean IPs), changing continuously (exact server of each account was not registered). The accounts are very high quality, very trusted by Facebook, and can be used from any place, since it’s OK for Facebook to change location after some years, so the accounts can migrate to your country where you will login from for the first time reactivating the account. Just keep login from the same place as you will login first time after buying the account.
Do I need proxies?
Not strictly, you can login from your own IP, in any country, but have in mind that all accounts login from IP will be somehow linked for Facebook, so having one account flagged, could flag all other accounts under the same IP. Also, login more accounts from same IP in a short time range, will relate your accounts and could be flagged for multi-accounting, So you should use a good proxy if you need to manage more accounts, or if you do not want to have your personal accounts related at Facebook, or if you want to login from a different location from yours. Notice that Facebook mistakes many times because of outdated database,s especially with proxies. Take this in mind before setting the current city of the profile.
Notice that some countries like Vietnam, Philippines, India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, etc, have very low trust levels for Facebook (because most spam and abuse come from those countries), so you could use a proxy if your country used to get many roadblocks. Also, cheapest USA and UK proxies, they have been used massively for Facebook abuse, so avoid cheap proxies (of course avoid free public proxies, they are instant lock) and we advise to choose Wester Europe proxies if you don’t need a specific location.
We strongly recommend these private proxies we refer as we know they work fine with Facebook. Choose in this order Western Europe, UK, Canada, USA proxies. And take in mind that each profile must be managed always using a same IP and cookie (avoid changes of IP)
We recommend checking always the VPN/IP/Proxies used before login in the profiles, to avoid eventual cases of non-clean IPs.
Are they PVA or do they have any phone linked?
All our accounts are non-PVA (non-Phone Verified Account) and have not any phone linked, though you can turn them PVA by buying our optional phone verifications. For aged accounts, you should not buy PVA with a phone already a verified long time ago; as soon as Facebook will see anything suspicious in your activity, or just login from your new location, Facebook can ask to re-verify the phone linked in the account. If you do not have access to the phone, the account will be lost. For this reason, we never link any phone with our accounts. However PVA is highly recommended, so we advise to buy these aged accounts non-PVA (always aged non-PVA) together with the optional phone verification. We will send you a private phone number for you to verify your new account, accessible for reverification during all the phone life, making it PVA, with the security that you will not lose your account if you’re asked to reverify. Phone life warranted is 1 week (you can choose longer duration times at our shop through the next link: https://fbaccs.com/phone/). You can buy there a phone alone for your own account. If you have verified a dead phone, we strongly advise to delete it from your Facebook.
What security do they have set, and what I should have in mind?
The aged accounts have not any security questions set, and the passwords have never changed since their creation. They have no friends or have only few friends, and have not any phone linked in the account or any 2nd factor security. So,if Facebook for any reason ask you to verify that you are the owner of the account (it can be usual if you login from any proxy, or even from residential IP if it’s in a different location from the one the account was created), they can ask you to send a code to the email. The email inboxes are not available (we can provide the codes in most cases, but only FB codes, no others kind of codes), however they will request this code to email only for a few days, after that (rectifying some parameters in the connection settings in some cases) you can login the account with no more issues. Also, if they ask you for the birth date, we provide it together with the account keys.
Once you login in the account, do not rush to change email and password and other security settings or Facebook may suspect you are stealing the account. First, you must warm-up the account for a few days doing usual real person daily activity, until Facebook trusts your new IP and location and you can change login details and security options with no suspects.
How many aged accounts you have in stock? Can I buy in wholesale?
We have almost unlimited stock of aged accounts. If you are interested in a large amount, bigger than the packs listed here, contact us for our best offer for wholesales.
Can I use these accounts to build Ads Accounts?
Of course you can! Not only you can, but you MUST have aged accounts to build a strong Facebook Ads Account, BMs… However, though it is necessary, it is not sufficient. It’s very hard to farm Ads accounts and you will have many other necessary conditions to have a chance to be successful: a complete verification, trusted IP, clean device, and warm-up the aged account with manual activity every day for at least 2 months. Of course, you MUST use AGED accounts or you won’t have any chance to publish any Ads on Facebook. If you need to publish ads right away, check our ready to work ad accounts for sale.
Do you have Facebook Ads Accounts available?
We occasionally have Ads Accounts in stock, but always at a very limited amount. For it’s low availability and very high and changing price, you must contact us if you are interested in buying an Ads account. Please only contact us for this matter if you really know how to work with Ads accounts, and you are serious about buying it at high market prices.
Will I have Marketplace feature?
Facebook is changing all the time what you need to get the marketplace feature. Few weeks ago it was appearing in our accounts as soon as a phone was confirmed, however this changed a few times ago.
To receive or to begin to use the marketplace feature in the Aged accounts, we advise to confirm a phone number and make usual activity daily for at least 1-2 months time (always from the same location) following our guide about warming-up. It’s also advised to join buy-sell groups in your location, but also do not join groups right away or you can be locked, (first warm-up two weeks before joining any groups or you could be locked).
In a few cases, it is possible that the Marketplace feature could appears like available since the beginning, but we warn you to warm-up the profile at least 3-4 weeks, before use it, to avoid locks.
If you cannot do so much warming-up or you need marketplace urgently, consider buying our warmed accounts with marketplace activated: Marketplace Facebook Accounts.
Can I return accounts?
You can always cancel your order and get refunded before 24h if the account has not been delivered. Once the account keys have been sent, no returns are accepted. This is because we cannot sell an account whose keys are already known for a previous buyer, and we cannot change password without marking the account without login details, making the account useless for the next eventual buyer. However, if you are not able to ever login the account, (if you receive an account disabled or with wrong credentials) we offer 48h replacement warranty. We know this won’t be necessary since we always check before delivering that every account is live.
Disclaimer: Once you login the account, what happens afterwards is not our liability and it’s not under warranty. To avoid any issues, please carefully follow all our tips and management rules we will send you in our delivery email, and specially use good proxies with not abused IPs, it’s key to earn Facebook’s trust. Anyway, if you are still in trouble with your account for any reason, let us know, we will ALWAYS be willing to help you to bypass any roadblock and identify bad management behaviors to avoid eventual locks in any other accounts.
Are we FBaccs.com looking for resellers?
If you are a skilled seller or service provider, of course we could work together. Please contact us to deal about the shares and fees for reselling.